Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Precious God Daughter

Here is another shot of my Alayna. I kept her all day today so that her parents could visit with the twins in the NICU. The twins are doing well. They are a couple ounces above birth weight now. They are also tolerating Mommy's milk through a feeding tube and have had no infections. They will get to come home around the end of May, they are estimating.

She and I went and got her hair trimmed(although its messy in this and shopped for her some summer things at Wal Mart. I love my baby, she is turning into such a beautiful little girl!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I said that this was going to be mainly a photo blog, but this issue that I want to write about is very close to my heart. Most of you who know me, know that I have been a troop supporter since forever. I had my first official adopted soldier when I was in the 6th grade. He was deployed to Okinawa and he became a very important part of my life. After he came home he visited and stayed with my family on numerous occasions. So, this issue has been a big deal for me almost my entire life. There is a war going on right now. Many of us have loved ones, co workers, etc deployed right now. They are serving our country and trying to help the Iraqi people have a better life. Would it hurt for us to give a little of our time, energy and money to keep their moral up? Soldier's Angels is a great organization. I have been a member since 2007. Currently, we have 1,141 soldiers waiting on adoption. What if your loved one was on that list? It doesn't take a lot to brighten someone's day. You are only asked to send a card/letter per week and a care package a couple of times a year. How much you do is up to you. It doesn't have to be expensive.
Why don't you do something good for someone else today and click the link above. You won't regret it. I promise.

Friday, March 20, 2009

One of My Favorite People

This is my friend, Robert. You may recognize him from the Man's Best Friend entry.
He and I have endured many trials and been through a lot together, but through it all we have remained friends and I cherish him dearly. Sorry that I kinda cut a little of his head off but it was my famous one hand self portraits!

Charleston SC

These are some old pictures that I found the other day on my computer of a trip I took to Charleston to visit my very favorite cousin, Meredith and her little boy, Gavin. Enjoy!

This is Meredith and Gavin

Meredith walking Gavin

The battery

US Customs Building

The Battery

Me and Gavin

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My God Daughter, Alayna Reese

This is my youngest God Daughter, Alayna. She is 2 1/2. Her mom gave birth to twins, Kade Richard and Kayson-Grace on Sunday. She was only 28 weeks along. The babies are doing pretty well, they have some lung problems, so please keep them in your prayers.
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A Cat's Life Part 2

It took me forever to get these few shots of Reba...she did not want to cooperate! Everytime I would go to point the camera in her direction, she would turn away, like in the above shot and meow this pitiful sound....such a drama diva cat! My mom has her very spoiled!

A Beautiful Day

Today was a gorgeous day. We have had some really crappy weather the last few days...Wet, Rainy, Windy...just plain yucky. The highs were 70 today and sunny skies! Much better. I had to capture the pretty day above.

Around The Yard Part 4

Around The Yard Part 3

Around The Yard Part 2

Around The Yard


This is Kayleigh, my co-worker's Daughter. Such a pretty princess, even with cake on her face!
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Its A Cat's World


Monday, March 16, 2009

Playing With Photos

I am sooo addicted to photo editing these days. Below are a few pictures that I have been playing with tonight.
My Bestfriend's husband, Kellen

My Bestfriend, Karen and Kellen

Karen's backyard after the snow a couple of weeks ago.